I have a passion for helping parents, grandparents and caretakers of kids with behavior and/or focusing issues

The Beginning
Everyone has a story and I would like to share mine. It started nineteen years ago when my second son was diagnosed with autism. To be quite honest with you, I was happy to have a name for what was going on with my child. I wasn’t familiar with autism and didn’t know what to expect. I had no clue what to do next. I did what I knew and that was to pray. So…I said a little prayer.
Initially, I asked God to help silence the tantrums. My son had awful tantrums, he bit, slapped (mostly me) only a few times, but that was enough. He was nonverbal, and I know that contributed to the behaviors. He didn’t develop relationships with his siblings. It hurt to see him like this.
My Journey
Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

When I decided to go back to school after 26 years, it was an intimidating thought! I honestly didn’t know if I could mentally, physically and emotionally handle all that would be expected to me. After all, it has been 26 years! Besides I have a husband and four kids now, and I’m almost 50!

At The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), I feel like I have “come home." My initial interaction with the admissions counselor was warm and she was patient with me, answering all of my questions.

The program teaches that there are more things that nourish us "off the plate." IIN teaches that primary foods are more than just "food." It is relationships, careers, physical movement and spirituality. Food is actually secondary.